Real Estate Housing Market Predictions: February 2024

So, here's the scoop:

The “Recent Mover’s Club” isn't exactly bursting at the seams. Only around 1,058,000 folks made a move in the last 90 days. This dip can be chalked up to a bit of a summer slump and a slow housing market.

There's also noticeable change happening in the types of people moving.Normally, about 72% of adults own their homes and 27% rent, but, in the past 90 days things got interesting. Only 62% of movers were homeowners, and the remaining 37% were renters. It looks like the gap between owners and renters making a move is getting slimmer.

To sum it up, not as many folks are changing their address now, as compared to the past two years - and we are seeing more renters joining the ranks of home movers compared to homeowners."

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Audience Town is the ONLY consumer analytics platform for Real Estate, providing data insights and predictions far more powerful than anything the industry has seen to date.

Mover insights in the press typically come from Census data, analyzing moving activity from the past. Audience Town can predict who is going to move in the next two years before they know it themselves, based on life events linked to the likelihood of moving.

In addition to predicted movers, our platform and massive data set provide detailed information about people moving – their home value, what kind of car they drive, renter vs. buyer, and so much more.

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